Friday, August 3, 2007

Sams Trip July 2007

The visit to Sri Lanka this time was not as smooth as it should have been and was marred by illness, short tempers and an ever changing schedule . The coordinators struggled too to keep up with the gruelling daily tasks and the complicated arrangements most of which wree planned back in the UK.

Having 2 others en tow creared some tensions and on reflection I think we had too many things to do and not sufficient help and resources to work efficiently.

It was damn hot too !!!

That being said we managed to handover all the donations ( some were lost / stolen by customs) buy all the equipment for the schools, sort all the books , toys and art materials for the mobile library.

Nalinda and his team of helpers were magnificent and very patient with me rearranging and rerranging books etc again and again until I was satisfied.!

The art work was fabulous and the opening ceremony went well despite me being late and keeping the Governor waiting !!!